Paintings on canvas & paper

Discover the beauty of the paintings on canvas and paper, through which I invite you to follow your breath and your heartbeat by observing their expression, and try to perceive what it is saying to you. Each of them, in its uniqueness, reflects its expression of a particular inspiration. The motives are painted with attention to detail and color harmonies.
<tc> PAINTINGS</tc>

Expression in the language of geometry

Sacred geometry is a creation of life and stems from human observation of nature. Exploring sacred geometry draws me back to my essence every time and expands my horizons about myself, and that is something I find very difficult to put into words. That's why I express my feelings, visions and thoughts between visible and invisible connections through my artworks. In them, I use geometric elements and computer graphics to create complex patterns and shapes that I experience behind closed eyes.

This results in a diverse range of artworks that reflect, above all, the grandeur of geometry and the importance of cosmic power.


Slike mešanih tehnik

Kot sem že omenila, poleg tehnik klasičnega slikarstva, svoje spretnosti združujem tudi v digitalnem mediju. Ročno naslikane elemente, bodisi z barvo ali črnilom, združujem z računalniško naslikanimi kompozicijami. Likovna dela odslikavajo nadrealistične prizore, katera so polna zapletenih iluzij časa in prostora, kar gledalcu omogoča vpogled v lepoto človeškega duha.

Slike gledalca vabijo, da se ta preko podanih prizorov prepusti opazovanju in da ob tem prisluhne lastnemu bitju srca.

<tc>PAINTINGS </tc>

Giclée print

Če originalno umetniško delo na platnu ali papirju ni na voljo, si lahko motiv priskrbite v obliki umetniškega odtisa Giclée.

Giclée print omogoča najvišjo možno kakovost tiska. Rezultat tehnike Giclée je izjemno barvna nasičena slika z vsemi barvnimi niansami.

<tc>ART PRINT</tc>

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